3 research outputs found

    New Lossless Compression Method using Cyclic Reversible Low Contrast Mapping (CRLCM)

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    In general, the compression method is developed to reduce the redundancy of data. This study uses a different approach to embed some bits of datum in image data into other datum using a Reversible Low Contrast Mapping (RLCM) transformation. Besides using the RLCM for embedding, this method also applies the properties of RLCM to compress the datum before it is embedded. In its algorithm, the proposed method engages Queue and Recursive Indexing. The algorithm encodes the data in a cyclic manner. In contrast to RLCM, the proposed method is a coding method as Huffman coding. This research uses publicly available image data to examine the proposed method. For all testing images, the proposed method has higher compression ratio than the Huffman coding

    Penyelesaian Persamaan Diferensial Biasa Menggunakan Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Keempat Paralel dengan Tiga Prosesor

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    This paper presents a derivation of the Runge-Kutta or fourth method with six stages suitable for parallel implementation. Development of a parallel model based on the sparsity structure of the fourth type Runge-Kutta which is divided into three processors. The calculation of the parallel computation model and the sequential model from the accurate side shows that the sequential model is better. However, generally, the parallel method will end the analytic solution by increasing the number of iterations. In terms of execution time, parallel method has advantages over sequential method.Makalah ini menyajikan penurunan dari metode Runge-Kutta orde keempat dengan enam tahapan yang cocok untuk implementasi secara paralel. Pengembangan model paralel didasarkan pada struktur sparsity Runge-Kutta tipe kempat yang dibagi ke dalam tiga prosesor. Perbandingan perhitungan model paralel dan model sekuensial dari sisi akurasi menunjukkan bahwa model sekuensial lebih baik. Akan tetapi secara umum bahwa metode paralel akan mendekati solusi analitik dengan meningkatkan jumlah iterasi. Ditinjau dari sisi waktu eksekusi, metode paralel memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan dengan metode sekuensial